The reunion planning committee met this morning. Against a background of continuing uncertainty regarding the outbreaks of Covid around Australia and the quarantine and isolation restrictions being imposed by the States, the committee has decided that the only...
9 RAR Partners – July 2021 Newsletter
In this latest Newsletter there are some great topics of practical interest from Jan & Lesley.
RARA Victoria Newsletter July 2021
You can read the July issue here RARA-Vic-Newsletter-July-2021Download
VVFA Qld Newsletter – Incoming – June 2021
Read the latest issue here
EVERYMANS Welfare Service: Latest Special Edition ‘On Patrol Magazine
Accredited by the Australian Department of Defence, Everyman’s Welfare Service serve the members of the Australian Defence Force and their families. Read the latest On Patrol Newsletter
Partners of 9RAR – March 2021
Maxine Tapper has shared this wonderful newspaper article from November 14th 1968. 50 plus years on they are still enjoying life in Western Australia West Australian Newspaper Thursday November 14 1968 “It was a wharfside reunion and farewell...
9 RARA SA – Nine News 2020 Edition
Here is the latest copy of Nine News for SA
9 RAR Partners – November Newsletter
Attached is the November 9 RAR Partners Newsletter
9 RAR Partners – July Newsletter
Attached is the July 9 RAR Partners Newsletter July 9 RAR Partners PDFDownload
Newsletter for Partners’ of 9 RAR Veterans
As a result of a group of ladies getting together for coffee/lunch prior to the 9RAR Reunion in Canberra last year, Lesley Richard came up with the idea of a Newsletter for Partners of 9RAR VETS. Here it is. 9 RAR Partners 9RAR Mar20Download Newsletter After a lot of...