As a result of a group of ladies getting together for coffee/lunch prior to the 9RAR Reunion in Canberra last year, Lesley Richard came up with the idea of a Newsletter for Partners of 9RAR VETS. Here it is.
After a lot of laughs, tears, coffee, lunch and a few cocktails and months of considerable planning by Lesley the Partners of 9RAR Newsletter is now a reality.
We realised in Canberra that between us we had a lot of knowledge and information that could assist our Vet Partners in times of need or more importantly provide important information in advance so that we could all be well prepared when situations occur as no doubt they will.
As Lesley has outlined in the Newsletter “We are not an advocacy organisation more a coffee club.”
We hope you enjoy the Newsletter and what it has to offer.
If you would like to contribute anecdotes, stories, information, please email:
Lesley: [email protected]
Jan: [email protected]
In many cases Lesley and I only have the VETS email addresses.
If you have an email address of your own and would like to receive the Newsletter direct to your email address, please let us know.
If you do not wish to receive future newsletters please advise and we will delete your name from the distribution list.
I trust you are all well and enjoying this precious life we have been gifted.
Kind regards
Jan Maguire
Editorial Comment – Congratulations Lesley and Jan on a great initiative.